Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy New Year!

Been a while since I've managed to make any posts! Hope everyone has had a lovely holiday and new year. I had the week between Christmas and New Year off, and as such tried to stay away from the computer as much as possible (explaining the lack of posts). It was a great week off. John worked a couple of days, but they weren't full days or anything so it wasn't too bad, although I'm sure from his perpective he would have much rather not had to go in. I got plenty of time with the cats and Lucy. Emily and Reena were in town, so I got to hang out with them which was great. Also we got to talk to Jon and Marianne, Rich and Anita, and Helen and Wyn over the webcam which was really fun. Of course, it makes me miss them all the more having seen them face-to-face, but it's worth it.

I'm in my second week back to work. The downside of having a week and a half off is getting used to being home and subsequently missing it all the more when the time comes to leave again. But work has been busy, so the days have gone fairly quickly which makes it not so SO bad.

So without going into the nitty gritty details of everything that's gone on in the last few weeks, that's pretty much it! I'm not going to talk about football until there is no risk of jinxing anything. In fact, I may have just written too much as it is. Anyway, here are some pictures from the holidays.


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