Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lightning fast update

I had a great weekend seeing the nephews, watching the Colts finally win a bloody game against New England (they are still undefeated for anyone keeping track), and enjoying my first three day weekend from our new four day work schedule, but the real news is what’s happening in the regular news. I don’t have time for a long update, but I wanted to put something up quickly while I had a couple of minutes.

Firstly, I am very pleased with the election results. We finally have restored a bit of balance into Washington and I hope we see some resulting changes.

Secondly, in case you’ve been under a rock the last couple of days you will know that Britney and K-Fed are getting divorced. My colleague summed the whole thing up perfectly about an hour ago: I don’t know what is worse, how much coverage the divorce is getting or the fact that I find myself reading it all.

Thirdly, Borat is out over here and it’s a huge hit. This is Ali G’s new movie, who is a comedian-type guy from the UK. I am curious to know if it has already come out in the UK and if it is/was such a success over there. Everyone is talking about it here and it is getting rave reviews all over the board. It made millions in its first weekend, and that was only in limited theatres. Any of you guys in England who can enlighten me to what the reception has been like over there, please do so!

Finally, today is house buying day! We are completing today, and we’re so excited! We spent a lot of last weekend packing so we’re all ready. Woo hoo!


Blogger Unknown said...

Borat opened the same day over here in Ireland. It was very funny, yet a bit unfulfilling as it was very samey. I did however leave the cinema hurting having laughed so much! Definitely go and watch it, and enjoy the hotel scene (you'll know when you see it!)

5:46 PM  
Blogger Kara said...

Excellent review! Thanks Mark --

3:58 AM  

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