Friday, September 02, 2005


I haven't been as good as updating my blog as I had hoped I would be. Work is pretty busy right now as I am leading a project that is going live in three weeks. In fact, it goes live the day we leave for safari! So hope everything goes well because I won't be there to do with the aftermath. Of course, I suppose I shouldn't really care how it goes since I won't be here to deal with the aftermath! :-)

We went to Munich last weekend. Got there very late Thursday night so started the sightseeing on Friday morning. It was funny because the weekend before we had been interviewed by a radio station at the V festival and then we hadn't been walking around but a few minutes on Friday morning and these people with a mic and TV camera came up to us on the street and asked us something in German, trying to interview us. People just want to hear what Kara has to say, I tell ya!

We went on a four hour tour on the first day, which was really good. It was actually a free tour and you just give a tip at the end of whatever you think it was worth. It was called the Free Munich tour and if you ever go there be sure to seek it out because it was the best orientation to the city we could have asked for. I didn't realize until they told us, but Munich is where Hitler started his whole takeover. The city was basically completely destroyed in WWII, but they have rebuilt the buildings to look either exactly as they were or in the architectural stylings of prewar times, so the city does not look at all like it was built up in the 20th century, even though most of the buildings were constructed/reconstructed then.

There was lots of beer. I'm not going to have to drink beer again for a while. I'm much more of a wine girl anymore and do enjoy beer still, but the beer there was so rich and potent and I drank so many 1/2 liters of it that I'm good for a while! :-) Also I didn't realize that pretzels came from there. We had loads of those big soft pretzels as a snack, they go good with the beer. There weren't any small crunchy pretzels though.

We saw lots of cool sites. Obviously we went in lots of churces as per usual, did a couple of palaces, patroned a couple of beer gardens, visited some botanical gardens, and of course ate some fairly stodgy food.

I will of course post pics soon!


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