Friday, October 21, 2005

My neighbors are crazy

Last weekend was good and a bit chilled out for a change. Saturday evening I went to one of my neighbors as she had some girl neighbors around. It was fun. They're all 10+ years older than me, with kids, but they're completely crazy. They gossip about neighbors and know things about the neighbors that make me think they have everyone's living rooms tapped.

We went for a walk around the neighborhood at about 1 am and they were stealing real estate signs out of people's pathways and putting them in front of other people's houses, so it looked like the latter had sold their house, and they were writing CHAV on people's car windows from the condensation. I'm sure lots of people woke up the next morning thinking some kids had been up to no good the night before! And they stopped a passing taxi to see how much he would charge to go to the Lime Pits, which is where Dogging is known to happen (I learned about Dogging last time I got together with these women). The taxi informed them that Thursday night was the night to go to the Lime Pits and there was nothing going on on Saturdays. This was a blessing, as I can't imagine the scene they were ready to cause had he taken them there!

Anyway, I left about 2:30 and was tired and tender on Sunday, but I managed to work at the stables from 2 - 5 which was fun and they were so glad that I came to help because they were short staffed, and I like it when I feel needed.


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