Monday, October 10, 2005

Gemma's Hen Do

Gemma had her bachelorette party this weekend. It was in Brighton, and Helen drove me and Anita to it after work on Friday. Gemma had 10 girls there to help her celebrate. I knew or had at least met all of them but 2.

Gemma was adamant that she didn't want to wear a veil or have to wear anything silly, but since she's the hen she doesn't really get to say what she has to do, so we put a veil on her before we went out on Friday night. But since she had to look silly we all wore headpieces that said Hen Do on them that lit up.

First we went to a bar for some pre-dinner drinks. Anita gave Gem the task of having to get a kiss on the cheek from boys through the alphabet. At first Gem was really resistant, but by the letter D she was all fired up to find the next name.

We went to Mamma Cherrie's for dinner. That restaurant was on Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares this year. It was really good food, very spicy. They dressed up the table with all sorts of hen do paraphanelia, and she had a cake which had lots of naughty chocolate bits on it.

After dinner we danced in the hotel bar for a while and then called it a night.

Saturday morning we went on a cruise along the Brighton coast. It was really rough and choppy, which I found quite exciting and fun, but poor Helen and Anita don't like boats and found it scary. Even though it was a fairly big boat, we still got quite a bit of spray and most of us ended up being pretty wet.

After the boat ride we got some fish and chips on the pier and then went shopping through the lanes. We found a busker and made Gemma play tambourine with her. She also managed to do a little Irish jig while she was performing, which completed one of her given tasks.

During the evening we went to dinner at a Tex Mex restaurant, where we were given shots of tequila. Gemma managed to take 3 or 4, and Anita helped me avoid taking mine during the group shot-taking by pouring water into in empty shot glass. Good thing it was clear tequila! I got away with it that night, but someone dobbed on me the next morning. I hate tequila! Then we went on to the club. We were all dressed in red except Gemma who was told to wear silver, and we had sparkly cowgirl hats. It was a lot of fun. Lots of dancing and making Gemma do dares. It was really easy to spot everyone if you got separated, thanks to the hats.

Click the first picture to see more pictures of the bridal shower from last weekend and the hen do.

Since Michelle Goodwin was at the hen do too, I managed to catch a ride with her up to her mom's, where John was helping her celebrate her birthday. I hadn't arranged to go there but it worked out since I hadn't driven, so instead of going back with Helen and Anita I went back with Michelle to Madelines, and then home later with John. We had a good visit and went to the pub for lunch. Then home to talk to the Williams' about their new baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny British sayings:

1. Someone dobbed on me the next morning - HUH???

2. Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Is this a good thing? Because it sounds bad. Very bad.

3. went shopping through the lanes - What are lanes?

4. We found a busker - What's a busker?

5. the hen do - As in, do-do?

6. Any sentence with the word "quite".


1:50 PM  

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