Monday, September 19, 2005

Gimme my speeeeeece

This weekend was fun. John went on a bachelor party in Manchester, leaving me and Helen and Gemma whose men were at the same party (it was actually Scott, Gem's fiance's, bachelor party). So we three girls went out on Friday night. We were supposed to meet at 7:30 for dinner, but work has been so crazy that I had to push the time back to 8:30 because I was still at work at 7:30. On a Friday night! What!

So we girls had some food and some wine and good dinner convo, then went to a couple of bars. We stayed out until about 1 and went home. We were going to keep drinking but most of the bars were closed by then. Clubs were still open but the one semi-decent club was a little bit of a walk, you have to pay to get in, and it's not that great anyway.

We went to a new bar called Silks that a girl at work had said was good. They were playing good indie music when we went in, but it was a very different scene than we are used to, as there were lots of people with dreadlocks and many peircings. Gem and I thought it was fun in there, but it was too much for Helen who downed her drink and was ready to go as soon as we got there. There was a Scottish guy there who made us laugh because Gemma was standing too close to him and he said 'Gimme my speeeeece.' (space) We had fun trying to get him to say more things in Scottish, but it turned out hearing Gemma imitate him was funnier than him actually talking.

Saturday I thought I was going to have to work, but I logged in in the morning and saw that the US had managed to get all the testing done so I didn't have to go in. Woo hoo! So I made scrambled eggs for breakfast, did some housework, read, took a 2 hour nap (same old Kara!), watched some tv, and then in the evening Helen and I went to see Crash. It was alright. Not what I would call a feel good movie, but pretty good anyway. We made it an early night so I could be at the stables at 8 am. When the alarm went off the next morning I was very tempted to stay in bed, but I dragged myself out of bed and worked at the stables until noon, which was fun but now I'm really sore. When I got home I read, watched tv, and napped (simple pleasures) then John got home about 5 and we watched the Colts game. Go horse!

John went to Lisbon this morning and he'll be gone until Wed morning. Then we leave for Kenya on Wed night, so hopefully everything works out with his flight so he doesn't miss safari!


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