Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is it spring yet?

Ugh, it's beginning to seem more and more like January. It's snowing today, and cold. It rained all weekend in Indy. I mean, it rained and rained and rained and rained. It didn't stop. I'm in Chicago now, and John tells me that it only stopped in order to start snowing. Roll on spring! It's actually not been too bad of a winter, but Jan and Feb are always the hardest months to get through when you're not in a warm climate (not a word, Faith ;-) ).

So did I mention the Colts are awesome? Yeah, we're hosting the AFC championship this weekend. That's all I'll allow myself to say so I don't run the risk of jinxing anything, except for this: I was driving from the Chicago airport to work this morning, and there is an electronic sign outside of the airport that always says things about road conditions, traffic, welcome to Chicago, etc. Today it said the normal stuff and then said 'Go Bears!' (the Bears are in the NFC championship). It made me smile and I thought that it was fun that they put it on there. But if Chicago and Indy both win this weekend, resulting in a Super Bowl meeting, I will take it as my God given duty to destroy that sign and any others I run across with any non-Colts sentiments on them. :-D Who's with me?

So it was a very football oriented weekend. We watched all four play off games, and didn't do a whole lot else. We had thought about going to my brother's on Sunday, but Lucy was not well all weekend so we had to let her all the time to go to the loo. She has had a poor tummy since Friday night. John says it has continued into today so we are getting the vet involved to see if they can help. We even made her some rice and chicken yesterday hoping that would ease her trouble, and it seemed to help for a while but I guess it was temporary.

Ok this is random, but has anyone been curious about that song that plays in the background for the commercial for this week's CSI? That song has really caught my attention and I just saw the commercial again so I did a little internet investigation. Just to satisfy your curiosity (because I know you were as interested as I), it's Sweet Jane by the Cowboy Junkies. It's good stuff, have a listen. I'm thinking it could be my next iTunes download, although I have been meaning to download that OK Go song with the treadmill video since the summer and it's still not made it onto my iPod.

The only other thing of late is I met up with my cousin Mandy for dinner last week. One good thing about my project being in Chicago (we know it's not the weather) is that I get to meet up with local friends and family fairly frequently. It was great to catch up with her and reminisce. I nearly met her boyfriend too, but he ended up having a conflict with some buddies who were meeting up on the same night. I don't know what kind of a guy would rather go out with his friends than meet his girlfriend's cousin, cuckoo!


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