Thursday, November 17, 2005

Martin and Caroline's

That was weird. Just a second ago I'm sure I heard a faint whisper of someone saying 'Kara'. And I turned around and there was no one there. I wonder what I heard! Or maybe the voices inside my head are starting to sound like they are coming from outside my head.

This weekend John and I went to visit Martin and Caroline up north, about two and a bit hours away. John had underestimated the amount of time it would take to get there, and thus we didn't leave Basingstoke until 11:45 (45 minutes later than we said we would), due to having to run a couple of errands before and traffic in town. He thought it would take about an hour and a half to get there, but we didn't arrive until about 2:30. Caroline made us a lovely soup lunch (we were starved by the time we got there), and we went to a pub in nearby Stamford to watch the England footie match. I hadn't really noticed that it was a rough pub, but John said that he and Martin had to go to the loo but would try to hold it until we got back to their house. I didn't understand why, and I went to the loo myself a little while later and it was fine. It wasn't until I felt my hair move and I turned around to see some guy's face really close to mine that I started to see what they meant. Martin had seen that the movement against my hair that I had felt had actually been him licking my hair. You can't make this stuff up. I don't know what that was all about, but it was disturbing. He asked me if he could buy me a drink, so I don't know if this was some sort of chav dating ritual, but we didn't stay long after the game finished to find out.

We went back to Martin and Caroline's for some wine and lovely nachos. Caroline had made a beautiful vegetarian lasagne, but I ate so many nachos that I couldn't eat much dinner when the time came! I'm sure the boys were thrilled that they had to eat a veggie dish when the vegetarian could hardly touch the main course.

After dinner we watched X Factor. We were obviously shocked along with the rest of the country when Maria got voted off. She was my girl (obviously I need to actually start voting, though). What was Louie thinking?!! I mean, the Conway Sisters? I think the public have made it clear that it's time for them to go. Although admittedly I do like their harmonies. But still, Maria could have won the darn thing! How could Louie say she was worse than the Conway Sisters? This is a travesty, and I'm boycotting the show. Until next Saturday.

On Sunday we had a nice breakfast before we left. We got home with enough time to potter around for a while before the day was over. I thought about helping out at the stables but because we hadn't been home for much of the weekend I decided to take it easy.


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