Tuesday, February 20, 2007

London calling

Yay, I'm so excited! Last week John and I booked our tickets to England!!! We get there on 27th April and return on 5th May. We'll be there for John's 30th which will be really cool. We had a fun weekend starting to plan what we might do and when. It's only a little over 2 months away, which must be like 9 weeks or something. I absolutely can't wait to get there and see everyone. :-))))

This weekend was good. On Friday John and I went on a Valentine's date, dinner and a movie. John was such a good husband. He found a little unknown Italian restaurant for us to try. It had a really nice atmosphere and had people with Italian accents working there (or European at least; we overheard one waitress saying she was from Latvia), but when my ravioli came it it was a little frozen in the middle. Not to worry, they fixed it up for me and then it was pretty good. Then we went to see Music and Lyrics with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Meaning, they starred in the movie, not that they came with us. They wanted to but it was a romantic date you know, just John and I. Maybe next time. It was really cute. There were a few good laugh out loud moments, too. Anyway, John was so sweet. We said no presents this year, but he surprised me with a nice photo collage that he had made over the week and a couple of CDs. Also he had tucked a V-day card into my luggage before I left last week so I had a card to open while I was on the road!

Saturday we went to my mom's to celebrate her birthday. My brother and his family was there. We haven't all been together since Christmas, so it was really good to see everyone again! It snowed AGAIN on Saturday, so we weren't even sure if we would be able to make it or if we would get snowed in but it was ok in the end. There is so much snow everyone you wouldn't believe it.

Then Sunday we started looking around at some baby furniture! That was really fun, although it's hard to know what to get since we have no frame of reference. I have been bugging my girlfriends to get an idea of what has worked for them which is really helpful. Anyway, after that I got to talk to Gemma over Skype which was really great. I hadn't spoken with her and Scott for a few weeks. Then we talked to Michelle and Madeline which actually happens most weeks but is still fun catching up.

Next time you talk to John, be sure you bring up his new found love of Nascar.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


We have created a baby site to track the progress of the pregnancy, www.babysites.com/sites/karagoodwin. Visit if you want to stay posted on baby news! I'll also put a link on the left margin.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Colts Colts Colts Colts Colts Colts

So the Colts won the Superbowl! Woo hoo! I've heard from several people in the UK that they saw some of the game on ITV. We had a Superbowl party that was good fun. I think there were about ten people including John and I, which was a perfect number. We made some food -- chicken, chili, cookies, etc -- and everyone also pitched in some food. We didn't organize what others brought and as such ended up with three taco dips! So we had a taco dip tasting contest, but I'm not sure who won that in the end.

Needless to say there has been Colts fever since the win. We went to the Superbowl celebration and parade the Monday after the Superbowl. It was waaaaaay too cold to stand outside to wait for the parade, so we headed right into the dome to wait for that celebration to start. It was good fun.

So I'm trying to think what else has been going on. It's been forever since I made a post. The weather has been absolutely terrible. I can't believe how cold it's been. It's been freaking freezing for about two or three weeks now, and today it's been snowing so badly that John's work was closed today. Indy has gotten even more snow than I've had up here in Chicago which is unusual. We left early today because of the snow, and it took about 1 hour 15 minutes to get back to the hotel. That's an hour more than usual. It took the same amount to get into work this morning. I'm just glad it's not a Thursday or I wouldn't be able to get home! Lucy has been enjoying the snow though. She's really funny when she runs through it. John said the snow is so high today that it's as tall as she is, and she has to jump really high to work her way through it. Bless!

Pictures of Lucy in the snow

Pictures of AFC Championship, Superbowl party, and Colts Superbowl Win Rally