Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This post is not about pets

Sunday John and I went to the US Grand Prix. Neither of us had been before. It was actually really fun! I was a bit leary, only because it was forecasted to be really hot (95 degrees and humid), and I didn't know if I would be capable of sitting in the hot sun at 32 weeks pregnant and not melting. We managed to get seats in the shade and the humidity wasn't as bad as they said it would be, so it wasn't all that uncomfortable in the end.

The race was very different from the Indy 500. First of all, the cars go the other way around the track! The crowd was very different. I knew it would be very international, but I didn't realize people would be so passionate about the countries they were supporting as well as the teams. There were loads of flags everywhere -- both country flags but also Ferrari flags and others. People were also all decked out in F1 gear -- hats, shirts, etc -- supporting their teams. People go crazy for the Ferrari team. Also it was very, very loud. I regretted not buying some earplugs. It was so loud that in the beginning I had to close my ears with my fingers. As the race went on, though, my ears got used to it and I didn't have to do that anymore. I'm sure that is a bad sign.

We had gotten seats that were right by the start and finish line. That was really good for the start and ends of the race, and also for watching the pits. The pit stops take literally about 7 seconds. It was amazing. The cars would come in and they would become covered with the pit crew. You couldn't see the car anymore. It was like a pride of lions feasting on an antelope. Then they would refuel the car, change the tires, and whatever else they need to do and be gone in the same amount of time it takes my brain to realize I'm touching something hot.

The best thing was the guy we were rooting for won! There is a rookie driver called Lewis Hamilton who is from near John's hometown. He's all the rage right now and he won the race! So we got to hear God Save the Queen since the play the national anthem of the winning driver at the end. Also, the winner's circle celebrations were right in front of where we were sitting, so we got a great view of it all. Of course, you'd never know that since John's camera ran out of batteries before the end of the race!

By the way, I totally lied in the subject of this post. OF COURSE there are pet stories! For my birthday John, Lucy and I went down to the lake to go boating with my dad and Gretchen. Lucy was a lot more confident this time. She had to be put in the water a couple of times, but then she started to get a real interest and at the end she jumped in by herself when there was no one else in the water and swam by herself for a few minutes! She seemed happy as a clam! Before that, I was in the water and she and John came in. I was on a floaty chair and she got right up there on me and was perfectly happy chilling out with me for quite a long time. It was really nice. So it seems she is turning into a bit of a water dog!


Blogger foiplus said...

No way! My dad was there too! He also is a big Hamilton fan. Coolio.

1:13 AM  
Blogger Kara said...

Aw! I wish I'd known! I would have kept my eye out for him... and completely missed him like when we went to the Broadripple Arts Fair. :-)

8:34 PM  

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