Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vacation pics, Lucy and the slide, other things of late

The weather has been so nice lately that it's a job to settle for being indoors. Last Friday it was pretty humid outside, so even though it was sunny it wasn't that nice to be outside. I took Lucy on a midday walk, and I think I melted a little along the way. But Saturday and Sunday there was very little humidity, the sun was out, it was warm, and John and I tried to make the most of it. Therefore, we are a little behind in getting pictures up from vacation (as well as belly shots, for those of you who are keeping up with the baby site). However, Jon Salmon and Steve Jackson have sent out their photos from the Center Parcs weekend, so I will post those here and hopefully we can get our photos out from the entire trip soon. By the way, there is at least one photo of me holding some champagne. Just for the record, that was John's drink and I was just holding it while he was posing for some pictures. I haven't had any alcohol since we found out I'm pregnant, so that night I happily substituted lots of chocolate Scooby Doo cake for alcohol. :-)
Jon's photos
Steve's photos

We managed to do quite a lot last weekend. Friday afternoon mom and I picked up the nursery furniture! It is mostly just in boxes at the moment, but we'll get the room set up soon. While we were waiting for the furniture to be brought out, mom got to feel the baby kick which was really cool. :-) Last week was our three year anniversary. It was actually on Tuesday, but of course I was away with work. We went out to dinner on Friday to celebrate at a 'steak, fish, and chop' restaurant which was really good.

Saturday morning we had our first prenatal class, newborn basics. It was really good, just loads of information at once. It was the fastest three hours I've had in a long time. I babysat a lot in my pre- and early-teen years, so a lot of it was refresher as opposed to new info, but it was still a little like drinking from a fire hose with the amount of information in a short span of time. That afternoon we went to my mom's to celebrate mother's day. It was a really nice afternoon. They grilled out and we all lounged around outside while my nephews played. Eventually someone brought out a basketball and I kicked Dusty and Andy's butts at Pig. Then in the evening John and I started to put together some of the ready-to-assemble furniture that we have waiting to be put together. Last week we had some things delivered from Crate and Barrel that need assembling -- a dining table and 10 chairs, bookcase, and buffet hutch -- as well as the nursery furniture we picked up on Friday. Luckily the chairs are already put together, they just needed to be taken out of the boxes. I worked on that while John did the buffet hutch.

Sunday was mother's day, and it started with John bringing me breakfast in bed and giving me my present, which is a gift certificate for a prenatal massage! I wanted to get one when we were at Center Parcs, but they were all booked up. So it's a perfect gift and I can't wait to use it! This baby really knows how to pick gifts. ;-) Then Lucy and Macy played in the morning while John and I did bits and pieces around the house. He mowed and did some other yard stuff. I took a load of cardboard to the recycling center (had to do something with all the boxes from all those chairs!) and put the glider together (it was only in 2 big pieces, the hardest part was getting the cushions snapped in!). At lunchtime John saw an old yellow lab about to cross a busy road by our house, so he went and got her before she crossed. She had an electronic fence collar on but no tags. I took her up to the humane society in Noblesville (about 15 min away) in the hopes she was microchipped, but she wasn't. So took her back home and put her in the backyard (Lucy was curious but they didn't become fast friends, I think there was too big of an age difference). We walked around the neighborhood with her and eventually found someone who recognized her. We took her to the house the woman said she belonged to, and there was a guy outside. I said 'Is this your dog?' and he was kind of like, 'Yeah.' Emotionless. 'Where was she?' I told her we got her as she was about to cross four lanes of traffic and they needed to get some tags on her because I'd gone all the way to Noblesville to try to find out where she lived, had been trying to figure out what to do with her for two hours, and the only reason we found where she belongs was because his neighbor happened to be out at the right time. He was like, 'Oh, thanks.' What an ass. Didn't seem to care that she had even gone missing or was close to trying to cross a busy road! I was thinking maybe he didn't actually live there and was just there for mother's day or something, but you'd think he would at least mention someone was looking for her or worried or would be relieved she was home ok or something!

Anyway, after that I took a little nap, then we went to my dad's for a half hour or so to see my step mom and her mom (who was over) for Mother's Day. Then just came home and Macy and Lucy played all night until after dark. They are so funny -- thick as thieves! The neighbors have a swing set and Macy goes down their slide, and we got Lucy doing it. It was sooooo funny, because Macy runs down the slide but Lucy was actually sliding down it. She didn't like it at first; it took some time before she seemed more sure about the whole thing. But then she was running up the stairs and sliding down the slide like a pro. They were sliding for treats, but later they left and we just said to let them play and we'd keep an eye on them while they were gone, and John and I were sitting on the deck and we could hear some noises that sounded like they might have been having a go by themselves! We couldn't see from where we were, though, but it at least sounded like they were going up the stairs! Then John said that on Monday evening when they were playing they went up the stairs and down the slide on their own.


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