Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The other day when I was heading into work, traffic was backed up for miles. It took about 45 min to an hour to get to the office when it normally takes 15 to 20 minutes. There had been some freezing rain earlier, but the roads seemed ok by the time I was on them. I'm waiting in traffic, wondering why these boneheads can't deal with a little precipitation, and finally I come upon the cause of the delay. There was an accident. But not just any old accident. Once I saw it I knew what was taking so long. This was the type of accident where you have to pass by really slowly and get a good look because you're not sure if you're going to see something like it again. From the back things it looked like a normal accident, or even maybe just a stalled car. Then as I passed by I saw this:

The front car was up ON TOP of the car behind it. It's back wheels were on the windowshield of the car behind. It was at a MFing 45 degree angle!!! I don't even know how the driver got out of the car. It would have literally had to jump out somehow, because the driver's door was up in the air. And what do you think when you're the car with the other car laying on top of you? What could that have been like for that driver, seeing the back end of the car get closer and closer and then, what? All of the sudden he can read the serial numbers printed on the bottom of the tires. There was another car behind that car who had his bumper all crumbled because he had run into the back of the car with the car on top of it, but that just seemed boring compared to what was going on with the first two cars. I have tried to work out what must have happened and who caused it, but I can't come up with a conclusive answer. I didn't have my CSI kit on hand so I had to just observe and move on.

By the way, this was not on the interstate or anything, it was just a highway with lots of stoplights, and even though I couldn't see any of the drivers around it was apparent that no one was hurt. I have been in a couple of fender benders and I always have found it embarrassing when you have to get out of your cars to assess the damage and traffic is going by (particularly when you are at fault). Can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been to have to jump out of your car because your back wheels were up on the other car's windshield?


Blogger foiplus said...

you are QUITE the artist.

12:42 PM  

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