Friday, March 30, 2007

I crossed the line

There is a line between 'that normal girl who lives in that house' and 'the crazy lady who takes her cat out on a leash.' I crossed that line last weekend.

It's been so nice outside that John and I spent a lot of time last weekend in the backyard with Lucy. We had the windows open and the patio door open with just the screen closed to keep the cats in and bugs out. Abbey was meow-meow-meowing very pathetically most of the weekend because she wanted to be out there, too. We live fairly near a four-lane road with heavy traffic, and neither of us are comfortable with the cats roaming around because we're afraid they'll get hit. Let's face it, Abbey has already been hit once by a car so she's not the most street-wise (pun) cat around. But she was so pitiful and even escaped a couple of times while we're were going in and out, so we put a leash on her and walked her around the backyard. It was John's idea!

She enjoyed being out there but I think it will take her some time to get used to being on a leash. And she's escaped about 5 times this week out that back door, cheeky madam. I would be half tempted to just let them out, as we are not right next to that main road, but there's nowhere really to put a cat flap and if we start letting them out it is going to be a problem luring them back in when we need them inside.

Let's see, any non-pet related news? I met up with my aunt, uncle, and cousin this week for dinner. They live in the Chicagoland area so we've met up a few times throughout the course of my project. It was a very nice evening. My aunt and cousin are teachers and are on spring break, lucky things! And last weekend John and I went out to dinner with my friends from high school, Annie and Jennifer, and their partners. That was good fun, too. And my sister-in-law Tami is on spring break and is bringing my nephews up for a visit this afternoon. Lots of fun stuff going on at the moment!


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