Monday, May 08, 2006

May Day bank holiday weekend

I’m a bit behind so I’m going to try to cram the last couple of weekends in one entry if I have time. But first! Today is my and John’s two year anniversary! It seems like no very long ago at all that we had the wedding.

Ok so a catch up on what I have been up to. The weekend before last – that would be 29/30 April, John and I went to Jon and Marianne’s on Saturday and stayed until Sunday morning. It was great to see them and catch up. Marianne only has a few weeks left in her pregnancy! It’s so great to see her with her bump. We got to see the nursery and all the baby furniture. They’ve done a great job with the decorating.

We went into town for some lunch at Wagamama, yummy. It was a really pretty day so afterwards we went to a little park area with a lake and walked around for a while. Then we sent the boys out to get some snacks while we caught up a bit (chalk one up for pregnancy!) We watched a movie in the evening (I think it was called Red Eye. It was not good).

The next morning Jon made us a nice sausage baps breakfast and we headed off for John’s mom’s house. From there we had a pub lunch to celebrate John’s birthday, although neither of us were very hungry because of the large breakfast. We didn’t stay long as we wanted to get home and veg out. We had borrowed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from Jon and Marianne and watched that in the evening. Is it just me (and Caroline, since I know she shares this view) or is Johnny Depp one of the most talented actors of our time? He does weirdo ever so well. I’ve never found him attractive, but I’ve decided I really, really like his movies.

So it was a public holiday on Monday and John and I were off work of course. We spent the morning getting all our stuff together for a car boot sale (like a garage sale in America). It seemed to take forever but we did round lots of stuff up. In the afternoon we went into town to pick a few things up and have some lunch. And we did some other odds and ends, the details of which escape me now but I do remember that it seemed like a very long day of doing lots of things.

Now I’ve decided that I will do last weekend’s summary in a different post. It’s the end of the workday and I might not be able to finish it today. Byyye!


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