Friday, March 03, 2006

Cops and Robbers

Ugh it’s Friday afternoon, past go-time, and I’m still here at work waiting for one of my French customers to reply to an urgent email so I can go home! We went out drinking last night for a leaving do for a guy I work with who is moving to Australia. I really wanted to leave on time and have a lay about on the couch, but that opportunity seems to be dwindling. :-( At least we’ve got no plans tonight except to catch up on our Sky + recordings and drink some wine. We love doing that on a Friday night and it’s been ages since we’ve had a free one so looking forward to relaxing!

It’s been completely manic at work this week for some reason. I’ve not been busy at all this year, and suddenly this week I’ve had loads on. So I’ve been meaning to write about last weekend but haven’t had the chance yet.

Friday night we had a girls’ night in Basingstoke. Anita, Gemma, Helen, Helen’s sister, and Laura from work went out and danced the night away. It was really fun. I’ve sold my car to Laura and she came out to pick us up at the beginning of the night, which she really enjoyed as she’s only just gotten her license. We drank at her house for an hour or two and then went to three bars/clubs. It was really good, but we were on our feet so much that I had a blister on my toe the next day!

Saturday we went up to Martin and Caroline’s for a surprise 30th birthday party for Russell. The theme: cops and robbers. Russell is a cop in real life so he had a convict costume waiting for him. He was really surprised and everyone had a great time. Click the photo to link to the rest.


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