Thursday, April 13, 2006


It’s Easter time! The best thing about Easter in the UK is we get Good Friday and Easter Monday off. So two four-day weeks in a row! It’s the first public holiday since New Year’s, so I’m quite ready for the break.

I got two chocolate Easter eggs at work today, one from the woman who sits next to me and one from our Admin Assistant. She sits next to my team and I think she favors us a bit since she’s closer to us than the other teams. So sweet of both of them!

I’m really bored at work right now. I think it’s slow for our whole department right now as we all seem to be biding our time by having long chin wags. Last week we had daily science lessons. We started with how the seasons happen. Did you know that the earth rotates on an axis, and as it rotates around the sun it approaches either the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, or the Equator. That’s a general summary. We used the sum of what four peoples could remember from science classes in middle school, plus a little help from the internet. Other ‘lessons’ from the week were if water really rotates in different directions depending on the hemisphere (I’ve seen it with my own eyes in Kenya, but my colleague was getting info on the internet that said it was a myth. He finally found a different article that convinced him it was true) and how magnetic fields work in relation to the poles.


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