Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is having a lovely Thanksgiving!

I am at work, of course. Obviously the silly Brits don't celebrate Thanksgiving. So instead of sitting on a couch watching the NFL while people make me yummy food (don't forget the mashed potatoes!), I gave a three hour presentation this morning, followed by an hour of cleaning up a mess my US colleagues created. That's all sorted now, so I have had time to wind down and do some personal emails, etc. Because the US isn't in today it's remarkably quiet in the office. I guess you just get used to how active the office becomes once Indy's day starts, and when they have the day off you can tell that it impacts the workload of everyone over here.

Tonight John and I are meeting Steve Bulger (best man) and Ruth for Thai. We made the plans early last week, and I'd forgotten it was going to be Thankgiving. But I'm very much looking forward to the traditional Thanksgiving Thai feast. I think history has gotten it all wrong and instead of the pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a peaceful turkey dinner, it was actually a meal of spicy Thai delicacies.

I got my ipod today! I'm very excited and distracted. It's in my drawer, waiting to be loaded and played with. I'm leaving exactly on time today to get home and start using it. Only 20 minutes to go!


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