Friday, February 10, 2006

Vitamins, Munich, etc

Hey hey hey! Unfortunately there isn’t loads going on right now for me to talk about. I’m just sitting here at work listening to The Killers on a Friday afternoon. It’s sunny outside, although very cold.

Speaking of cold, I have a cold right now. Been sneezing and having a runny nose all week. Not fun. At least I don’t have much of a cough… yet. Hopefully it will be one of those sorts of colds where a cough never develops. I’ve got a bit of sinus pain as well. L I stayed home from work on Wednesday to try to get some rest and hope it would all pass. Obviously it hasn’t gone yet, but it was good to get the rest.

I’ve been diligent about taking vitamins since Christmas 2004. I had gotten loads of colds all year in 2004, one after another. And once I started taking vitamins I seemed to never get them. So I’m a bit crushed that multi vitamins haven’t become some sort of magical barrier from me ever getting sick.

We went to the pub today at lunch. Friday tradition. We queued for ages trying to get our drinks and order food. Finally we were able to order, and they got me a diet Coke instead of regular. Life is hard. Not to worry though, eventually I was able to exchange it, after I got the barmaid’s attention again (no small feat).

Last night John and I went to the cinema to see Munich, the Steven Spielberg film. It was pretty good. Long though. But good. The cinema was air conditioned and between that and my cold my throat was so dry by the time we left I didn’t know if I’d be able to talk.

Rich and Anita came back from honeymoon this week. Seemed like they’d been gone forever. They had a good time. I saw their pictures today, looked like they had a great time and weather.

John’s dad is going to be in Basingstoke this weekend. We’re going to see him on Sunday. Tomorrow John’s found something for us to do during the day but I’m not sure yet what it is exactly. Apparently it’s somewhere he’s never been before either.

I’m quite happy because I’m going to be able to go to Emily’s bachelorette party in Chicago at the beginning of May. I have gotten approval to work in Indy the week before, so I’m not going to have to take any vacation time. And obviously and more importantly I get to see my family and friends that week. I haven’t been back since Christmas ’04 (the Christmas of the vitamins, see above). And I’ll get to meet my second nephew, Robby! So that will be really good. It’s not that soon actually, but at least it’s something I can look forward to for a while.


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