Friday, December 16, 2005

Coldplay and Christmas do

It’s nearing the end of my workweek, and all I really want for Christmas at this point is to be on my couch asleep at this very moment. It’s been a great but exhausting week.

Wednesday night me, John, Scott, and Gemma went to London to see Coldplay at Earl’s Court. Really good show. Gem and I are convinced that Madonna must have been there backstage or something, because they broke into her new song, whatever it’s called, the one that goes ‘time goes by… so slowly. Time goes by…. So slowly slowly..’ for a few bars. That was the only non-Coldplay song they did that with.

It made for an enjoyable but long evening, and we didn’t get home until 1. I was tired yesterday.

Work Christmas party last night. No rest for the weary! Although saying that I went home right at 4 yesterday to give myself time to rest before the do. The guy who sits next to me was going to pick me up at 6:15. Set the alarm on my mobile to wake me a little before 5:45. Doorbell woke me at 6:15. There’s Richard, standing at my front door in his tux, while I’m standing there in my jeans with line indentations down the side of my face from the couch.

He had to pick up Anita, too, so he said he would go pick her up and come back. I ran around like the house was on fire and managed to get ready in 7 or 8 minutes. I even had to phone them to see where they were, because they didn’t show back up. Turns out they hung out at her house for a while to give me time to get ready.

I had intended not to drink very much as I didn’t want to feel too hungover at work today. The memories of my last bad hangover at work were too fresh in my mind. However, having 6 bottles of wine per table and free drink tokens made that idea pretty unfeasible. I mean, it’s rude not to get a little bit drunk in that circumstance, am I right?

There was good food and we were on a good table of fun people. Also lots of dancing. And I went in the bumper cars three times. Today people keep making fun of me because we did the bumper cars in pairs and I kept making my partners wear their seatbelts. Safety first!

So, I did drink more than I intended to, but I must not have been too bad, as I’m just tired today instead of hurting too much. We got in about 1:40. I am not the rock star I once was (surely at one point in my life I was rock star?), and two late nights in a row make me very, very tired. I was going to leave dead on 4 again today but I need to talk to my boss and she’s not free until 4:30. And she might not even be free then, I have to wait and see!

This is my fave pic from the night. My friend and colleague Rob's expression looks really, really good. Look out ladies!


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