Thursday, July 20, 2006

Cats and Aidan

I have finally figured out how to get the pictures from my camera phone online. So here are some pics of the cats settled in in their new apartment. They really do seem to be adjusting quite well (touch wood). In fact Jude is cuddled up next to me on the couch as I write this, bless him. He and Abbey even seem to be getting along (for Jude and Abbey). They seemed to miss me a lot last week as when I got home they were stuck to me like glue for a while. But I missed them too so I didn't mind. :-)

Also, on Monday I met my friend Rachel from high school for dinner at this wonderful seafood restaurant downtown called The Oceanaire. While we were sitting at the bar waiting for a table she realised that sitting right next to us was Aidan from Sex and the City! I would love to say I respected his privacy and all that, but I just couldn't help myself and when she went to the loo I asked if I could take his picture. He was really nice about it and while I was trying to be discreet and just taking his picture while I was talking to him, he stood up and had his friend stand up too and they had someone else take the photo for us so I could be in it too. These guys are gigantic; I haven't shrunk! I only have the one picture from that night, but the pic of Abbey and Jude above should take you to a few more of them.

In other recent events, last night I met up with another friend from high school, Annie. She is doing really well and it was great to see her. And I'm supposed to be getting my car soon. I don't remember if I wrote about that before, but I am getting a Prius that should be delivered to the lot any day. I thought it was going to be there today in fact. I can't wait! It will be great to have my own car after driving rentals since I arrived in the country. And I sold my car in England to Laura in February or March and shared John's car since then, so it's been ages since I've had my very own car. Can't wait can't wait can't wait!

And last but certainly not least -- Tom and Tracy got engaged last weekend! He called on Sunday after I'd enjoyed an action-packed day in the heat with my nephews and said they were going for a few drinks in Broadripple if I wanted to come. I said I was beat and would probably pass, and then he said they were celebrating their engagement, in case that influenced my decision! So obviously I met up with them to celebrate this exciting news! They are a really good match so everyone is very happy for them.


Blogger Gooders said...

These are the COOLEST CATS in the WORLD

10:29 AM  
Blogger foiplus said...

Remind me never to use anything out of your kitchen drawers.... ;)

1:03 AM  
Blogger Kara said...

Ha ha ha! Actually that was a bathroom drawer... but it is the one I keep my toothbrush in!! That was the only time I've let him do that (because my toothbrush was in my mouth), and now I have to shut it when I see him coming. He just can't resist exploring open drawers in the bathroom!

11:21 PM  

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