Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Never a dull moment

It has been a strange day. Last night I started to get a little nervous about flying to a big city on the 5th anniversary of 9/11. I felt kind of sick about it, even though I've known about the flight for a while and it hasn't bothered me before. And thankfully (if not obviously) there was nothing to worry about, apart from my plane being STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Seriously! It was a little shocking (ha!). Actually it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but doesn't that sound dramatic? Let's all just take a moment and bask in the drama. Lightning! Striking my plane! It all happened very fast -- there was a bright flash and a bit of a surge through the floor and some turbulence. But no impact on the electrics or anything like that. I'm sure it happens all the time but I haven't found anyone yet who it has happened to, which is strange since I work with people who fly every week.

Also today I was driven to the airport by someone who is either very paranoid or is being stalked by a gang of taxi drivers. We're talking phone tapping and all sorts. At first I tried to be polite and humor the guy but he got more and more crazy (I mean, if this is true why are you telling me about it anyway??) so I was trying to give the signals that I was done talking (not responding much, looking out the window). When that didn't work I called my mom, and we talked for a few minutes but I'd only just seen her yesterday so we didn't have too much to talk about. As soon as I hung up he picked right up where we left off. I hope he didn't hear me mutter 'See ya, Crazy' once he dropped me off.

And when I got to the airport (the Indy airport - sorry my timelines are a bit all over the place) I ran into my old boss from when I worked for Lilly in Indy. He was a terrible boss and we've always been polite to each other (pretty much) but it's always been obvious neither of us like each other. Anyway, we had a polite catch up but after the taxi ride I'd just had I felt that I was in for a bad day when I saw him.

Luckily those three things rounded up all the drama for my day and the rest of it was pretty boring!

I had a good weekend. Yesterday we went to my mom's and my brother and his family were there. And the most exciting thing of all... drumroll... Robby took his first steps! And I was helping him! I saw his first steps, and I was actually a part of it. I smile every time I think about it. I was helping him stand a little way from Tami (his mom), and he took a few steps and I let go and he took 2 or 3 steps to her on his own! It was so cool.

Then in the evening John and I watched the Colts game. It was good that the Colts won, but I can't help but think it was less that they actually 'won' and more that NY beat themselves with their penalties and mistakes. They were stronger than us. I hope we get better as the season progresses!

Saturday we looked at some more houses. We found one that we both like, so we are going to look into that more this week to get some more information on it and hopefully John can see it again to get a sense for if we would really, REALLY like it.

More workshops this week, but I don't have to present very much. I think I'm on for about an hour tomorrow and hopefully that will be it.


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