Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm Peyton Manning

John and I went to the Colts game yesterday. For those of you who aren't up on your American football, Indy has done quite well the last few years with our star quarterback, Peyton Manning. Of course, we always seem to choke in the playoffs which is why we don't have any superbowls to our name yet, but I digress. Anyway, Peyton is really great, and my fun thing to say on Sundays is that I am Peyton Manning. It winds John up because he knows it means I'm the best, and he likes to think that he is the best. And I proved that I am the best again yesterday by having a great win against the Jacksonville Jaguars. It was a good game, there was even a punt return touchdown, which we hardly ever see the Colts do.

I got stuck at the airport on Friday. I hate when that happens. My flight was already delayed, then some storms came through and it eventually got cancelled (after I'd already been at the airport around five hours). I could have been put in a hotel overnight and gotten a flight in the morning (as some of my colleagues had to do), but it would have taken a lot to keep me in Chicago. I rented a car, drove through some storms, and got home about four or five hours late. We were surmising at work today that the weather is always great on Mondays and flights are never late, and Fridays when we are trying to get home is when get held up. We think it's a conspiracy. I'm not sure who is responsible, my guess is the Republicans, but I'm going to have to start looking into it.

By the way, while I'm thinking about it, John has a new blog of observations in his new land. The link is over in the left margin.

As for the rest of the weekend, Saturday was more house hunting. We saw a couple that we really liked. One is a great bargain but needs lots of updates, the other doesn't need updates but will need some personal touches as far as wallpaper removal, painting, etc. But that could come in due time, nothing that needs to be done straight away. So we might making some progress in the shelter area soon. I shall keep everyone informed if there is anything to tell.

In true Kara style, I will jump back to Thursday because chronological order is so overrated. In the evening I met Reena for her birthday. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, mmmm. It was great to see her, it had been maybe a month or so since we'd gotten together. I was hoping I would be able to see her more with my project being in Chicago, but it has been so busy the last few weeks that there is not much time in the evenings for getting together. I feel like it is going to start slowing down again so maybe I can see her bi-weekly or something. We had a daft waiter. He was just young I guess, but he was odd. I ordered this salmon roll appetizer thing, which he told me they were out of. They have three sushi type appetizers, and as I was looking for the other ones on the menu he was saying 'would you like to try our corn tamalies?' It really threw me, as my brain was trying to connect how corn tamalies were any type of substitue for a salmon roll, when it hit me that he was just throwing out any old thing that came to mind instead of really trying to be useful. 'No, sorry we're out of salmon rolls but could I interest you in a hot fudge sundae? Or an apple martini? How about some oatmeal?'

So let's see, what else has been going on... I guess the only other thing that we did this weekend was meet my mom and Jim for breakfast on Sunday before the game. We were all sporting out Colts gear, John and I in our matching Peyton Manning jerseys and mom in her blue sweather and blue and white beads. And of course Jim, the long time season ticket holder, was not wearing a stitch of Colts gear. I think he might have even been wearing green or something!

I guess that's everything then! I hope to have news someday that we are houseful, we shall see. Hope everyone is doing well. Ten four.


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