Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lipgloss on the Loose

I am starting to question the whole liquids-on-the-plane thing. Terrorist avoidance, or government conspiracy? Can someone please look into how many top government officials have stock in makeup companies? I think it's the Chaney/Halliburton thing all over again, except this time my money is on some Rice/Maybelline back scratching. I have bought probably half a dozen lipglosses in the weeks since the Heathrow liquids debacle. Sometimes The Man takes it from me, and sometimes I put them in my pockets to Damn The Man and then the rogue gloss jumps out of my pocket and hides away somewhere, never to be seen again. Am I destined to be lipglossless? I think the best thing to do is sigh, shrug my shoulders, and invest in several makeup companies.

On this topic, I have to tell the story about how I lost my lipglosses today. The liquid ban has been lifted, as long as you put all your liquids in a sandwich bag that is a certain size, like a quart or something like that. So on Friday this guy at work bought some sandwich bags for us, which I used on Friday with no problem. Today I use it, and they tell me the bag is too big. I say there is nothing I can do, that's the bag I have. They tell me I can go buy a bag at some restaurant in the airport and try again. I tell them they are being ridiculous, that the point of having that particular size is so you don't bring on more liquids than you're allowed, and I have two little things I'm bringing on board which is a lot less than my allowance so it shouldn't matter if my bag is too big because I'm only using a fraction of it. They told me it was the rules and that they're sure I don't want them to start breaking the rules. So I told them I expect them to use their brains and understand and abide by the essence of the rules. Surprisingly, I am not in jail as I write this, they let me get through security and I feel like they might even have understood my point. But, the lipglosses did get thrown away. Dirty, dirty bastards.

The sky is falling. It is pouring outside, and for a while on tv they have been breaking away to weather updates of tornado and severe thunderstom warnings. Lots of close lightning and thunder. It's cool, I like storms, but I'm on the fifth floor and I wonder if I should be going to the lowest level or something. The thing is, I don't really know what county I'm in, so when the weather advisories come in they give county names so I don't know if I am in the area or not. I just figure it's ok and if I was supposed to take cover there would be some sort of alarm or something.

This weekend we went to Cincinnati for a Kasabian concert. Kasabian is a band from England that is pretty big over there, but over here they are just starting out. The show was at a pretty small venue, and it was maybe about half full. I felt badly for the band since they are used to playing big shows, but it was cool for us because we were so close to the front. John was even in the front row for a lot of the show. After the show John tried to get us mugged or killed by trying to enlist the help of a desperate looking woman in a bad part of town to help us get a taxi. For some reason there were no taxis where we were. She took us to a couple of different areas saying she could get us a cab before we finally got rid of her. It was not a good situation. Eventually we stumbled upon a bus stop which quickly brought a bus to us which happened to go right where we needed to go.

Neither John nor I had been to Cincinnati before, so we were looking forward to seeing a new city. It's really pretty on the way in, pretty hilly with lots of trees. Across the Ohio River is Kentucky, and we wandered over there to this place called Newport on the Levee. There were lots of shops, restaurants, and bars there. John was glad to have been in three states (two of them ones he hadn't been to before) in one day.

Well, I think that's pretty much it. If you have any liquids you would like to donate to the Indianapolis airport, send them to me and I will be disgusted to pass them on!


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