Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Jobby job

John got a job! He started today at a company that does car auctions called Adesa. He is doing Business Intelligence work, which is what he was doing at Lilly. It's a new area for Adesa with a group that is just starting to develop, so he's getting in at the start of things. He only got the offer last week so it's all happened pretty quickly.

We had a nice weekend. Friday night when I got into town I took John out to dinner to celebrate his job. We went to a restaurant called Rick's Cafe Boatyard, which is situated on a reservoir which made for a nice setting since it was such a beautiful night.

Our realtor was on holiday this weekend so we couldn't see many houses, but we did manage to see one on Saturday that is being sold by a friend of his (our realtor) who let us have a look around. It was a nice house but we still haven't made any decisions. That night we went to Tom and Tracy's house. They have a little fire pit in their backyard, so they lit a fire and we had s'mores. John had never had one before so we enjoyed watching an adult have their first s'more. For any Brits who may happen upon this post, a s'more is an American campfire tradition. You toast a marshmallow and put it in a 'sandwich' of chocolate and graham crackers. The hot marshmallow melts the chocolate. They are called s'mores because you always want 'some more'. I haven't had a s'more since I was a kid, so I enjoyed it!

Sunday we went to the Colts game, where they beat the Houston Texans by quite a lot. My boss is from Houston, so I thought I would taunt her a bit from the game to tell her I was there and that they were not off to a good start, but instead of texting that I was at the 'Colts/Texans' game I texted that I was at the 'Colts/Oilers' game. It wasn't until quite a ways into the first quarter that I realized they were now called the Texans, which seemed vaguely familiar but still not as natural as the Oilers. I guess they've been called the Texans for about four years now, so I blame my ignorance on being away since they changed! Anyway, I don't think my taunting went very far considering I couldn't even get the team right!

Unfortunately I had leave for Chicago on Sunday this week. :-( Our workshops started at 8:00 on Monday this week. But the good news is I found out yesterday that I don't have to be a part of any other workshops after this one is over, which is tomorrow. I was supposed to fly home on Friday night, but since I don't have to be in the Thurs/Fri workshops I changed my flight to the regular time. So I will be home roughly the time John gets home from work, assuming everything is on time. And that also means that in a couple of weeks I won't need to get here on Sunday as I would have to if I would be a part of that workshop. I'm also glad I will finally get some time to work on some of the deliverables of the previous workshops that I've had no time to work on!

There's not too much else new. We have a few things coming up which are quite exciting. We got tickets to see Kasabian in Cincinnati in a couple of weeks. It will be really cool to see a British band over here and it seems like a fairly small venue which is always fun for seeing bands. That same weekend Emily is in town, so we have plans to see her on the Friday. Then in a little under a month Rich is visiting, and we're both really excited to have one of our closest friends from England over. He's coming for work but he'll be here over a weekend so he and John will spend time golfing and catching up, which means lots of football talk no doubt!


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