Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Four nights at home

Last Friday I had a doctor's appointment, so I got to go home on Thursday. What a great treat that was! I'm tempted to start lacing my food with a mildly poisonous substance so I need regular doctor appointments and I can go home early. It made the weekend feel really long. John and I stayed in on Friday night and we both felt like it was Saturday night. Friday at lunchtime I went downtown and met my mom for lunch, which was again a lovely treat. And after I picked John up from work that evening we perused some furniture shops. There is no house yet, but we started looking around for the type of furniture we might want. It was a good thing we did as well, because we were kind of surprised by the prices of things. I think we have taken for granted our thinking that the cost of living is so good in Indy and thought it might be $7 or $8 for a good sofa. It's more. So at least we have some time to adjust our budget a little.

Saturday we met Reena and Sunil for brunch in Broadripple. Reena was in town last week so it was good to get a little time with her. It was a gorgeous day, so even though it was a bit chilly we sat outside and had waffles and breakfast sandwiches. Those two are so hilarious, it's always good to meet up with them and have an impromptu roundtable discussion on current events (ahem, that is, current hit TV shows of course).

Then later in the day was our nephew Robby's first birthday! Click on his picture for more pics from the day. It was a nice party with loads of food, an open fire with stuff to make s'mores (which my mom used to dazzle us with her culinary flair (marshmallows on fire)), and of course nephews to cuddle which makes the day for me.

Sunday we went to the Colts game, which was supposed to be a big blowout and instead we witnessed them just barely squeezing a win in. It made for a good game but it's a bit worrying that they couldn't win by a much bigger margin.

The only other thing really going on is that once we get a house we can get a dog, and we are both really excited about that. John bought us some books last week, and we're busy looking at lots of websites and learning about different breeds. So once we move into a house be ready to hear about a new addition to our family! I hope Abbey and Jude are as excited as we are!

Want that one

While we're at it, check this like out, too.


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