Friday, August 18, 2006

Sushi Sushi You're So Fine

John came up to Chicago last night to start the weekend. It was a welcome break in my afterwork/hotel normal routine! I had someone to greet me after work! We went out to dinner with my boss Anne. I was glad he got to meet her (she's very nice). The partner of our practice who is on our project is called Marc and he is English, too. But he was still at work when we went to dinner, so he didn't get to meet John. Anne called around 10 (after we'd parted ways after dinner) to say she was having drinks with Marc and they wanted us to come out, but we didn't end up meeting them. We were both quite tired, particularly John who had driven five hours (ah, Chicago traffic) to get there, plus gotten up early in wait of the delivery people.

So yes our stuff we've shipped from the UK arrived yesterday. Apparently the apartment is filled with stuff now. There is kitchen stuff piled on the counter and in the sink, and everything else is piled up on the floor in various parts of the house. So on Sunday when we get home we are going to be very busy trying to find a place for everything!

My week has been pretty good. The beginning of the week was quite busy, as we are preparing for lots of workshops that start the week after next. I had been preparing one particular 2-day presenation that I thought Anne was going to give. Then a few days ago I saw the agenda, and it had my name next to most topics. I was like, 'er, Anne, what happened to that conversation we had a couple of weeks ago where you said you were going to present this because you didn't want to "throw me to the wolves" and so forth?' So apparently it will be me presenting to this audience of executives who have flown in from all parts of the world. Did I mention there are about 50 of them as well? Luckily I have been living and breathing this presentation for a while now so I am quite confident of the content, and we have also discussed that our entire team will be fielding questions, which will be a big help if things come up I don't know the answer to. Anita, I know this would be your dream opportunity! :-D My mantra for the next two weeks is going to have to be a continuous 'I can do it, I can do it...' I have a feeling I am going to be getting very drunk two weeks from today to celebrate my part being over!

It's been another sushi week. I didn't have any last week, so I figured this week I could indulge a bit more. Wednesday a colleague and I found a sushi restaurant that was really good. We finished our little variety tray things and sat there for a while waiting for the bill. It took so long that I decided that if I needed more! So we got a couple more rolls which were delicious and finally tore ourselves away from the yummy restaurant. And tonight John and I are meeting up with Reena, and she's planned a trip to a sushi restaurant in the city that is supposed to be phenominal (and byob!). I can't wait.


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