Tuesday, August 15, 2006

He's here!

John arrived safely on Tuesday! Woo hoo! He had smooth flights and obviously made it to Indy safe and sound. Luckily all the Heathrow terror alerts didn't happen until Thursday, so he wasn't impacted by any of that. I, on the other hand, did have to fly on Friday from Chicago to Indy and was worried security would take ages, flights would be delayed, etc etc. But I was surprised that things went pretty quickly through security and my flight was on time. I had to check my bag though, so I could fly with my liquid things (even toothpaste counts as liquid!). I haven't been checking my bag on my work flights so it was an added annoyance, but of course I want to comply with safety first measures!

So anyway, although John got to Indy on Tuesday I wasn't able to see him until Friday because of my project in Chicago. :-( But he picked me up from the airport so I saw him at the earliest possible moment. We had a great weekend together. Friday night we didn't make any plans so we could spend time together. Saturday we had a long day of shopping as we had lots of things to do to try to get John back on the grid! We started by trying to get him a bank account, but he didn't have a social security number yet so that didn't happen. So we went and got him a mobile, which was a successful trip. Both of us can send and receive text messages, even from the UK, so feel free to text us! We also shopped for a computer and a desk. We bought both after some looking around at different stores. The computer we could take home but the desk wasn't in so hopefully we'll get it this week sometime. So we've got the computer set up on an end table with an armchair sitting in front of it. It's quite funny actually! We had thought we might go to see some bands in the Midwest Music Summit festival, but we were both tired from the day's activities so we stayed in and watched a movie instead. And yesterday we went to my brother's to see our nephews. They are so cute. Jesse warmed up to John really quickly and kept saying 'come play with me Uncle John' throughout the day.

Of course the weekend came and went all too quickly, and here I am on Monday evening back in a hotel room in Gurnee, IL. Being apart from everyone is a definite drawback to this job, but luckily the work is still quite interesting. John might be able to come up this Thursday so it will only be a couple more days until I see him again. We are staying in Chicago until Saturday night so I can go to Faith's baby shower. We'll hang out with Reena on Friday night and stay at her place, and then drive to Indy after the shower so I can be home Saturday night through Monday morning.

Speaking of Reena, I met up with her on Thursday. Since she lives in Chicago we met up halfway between Lincoln Park and Gurnee. It was great as always to see her. We are hopeful we will see a lot of each other with me being assigned up here. Also on Tuesday I met up with my Aunt Marilyn and cousin Mandy, on my dad's side. Mandy only lives a short distance from where I am working. They are both really good. I don't think I'd seen them since my wedding so we had a lot of catching up to do!

I was trying to think if anything funny had happened recently... One of the women I work with is quite funny, even though she doesn't really try to be. She really made me laugh last week because she is a self-proclaimed bad driver, and she was driving me and another person from dinner and hit a parked car. That might not have been 'funny', were it not for the fact that we were commenting on how bad of a driver she was and I had just asked her if she's ever hit a person about 2 seconds before she hit the car. And a couple of days before that she was following me to a sandwich place and I saw she kept getting into the wrong lanes and ended up missing a turn. I called to see if she'd changed her mind and she said 'No, I'm just a really bad follower.' How can you be a bad follower? I'd never really considered myself a 'good' follower, but now I know that it can be an attribute I'm going to chalk it as a plus on my positive side! I may be a terrible singer, but boy can I follow in a car!


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